Loan originator / lender ratings

We currently provide ratings for the loan originators / lenders appearing on 3 multi-lender P2P sites – Mintos, Viventor and Peerberry. If you would like us to provide ratings for any other sites, please let us know.

Following feedback from our readers, we have built this page to help you find the links to each of our rating pages more easily.

Mintos is the biggest P2P site in Europe. It has over 70 loan originators appearing on its site. The quality of the loan originators and the amount of information they provide can vary a lot. 

Lendermarket now offers loans from 4 different lending groups, and plans to add more in future. The financial strength and track records of the lenders varies a lot – so be sure to check out our ratings page before investing

We have been fans of Peerberry since it first launched. It has now developed and grown to become one of the most popular P2P sites in Europe. It now has more than 20 lenders on its site. However the financial information provided on the Peerberry website about each one is not very good, and there are group guarantee arrangements that are not explained very well. Our Peerberry ratings page provides information about the lenders, and guarantee structures that is not available anywhere else. 

March 2022 update – following the Russia/Ukraine conflict we have had to suspend our ratings due to the likely significant impact on the two largest loan originators

Some loan originators operate their own P2P sites. Examples include Twino, ViaInvest, Robocash, Moncera, and Kviku. On this page we provide their key financial information, our ratings, and commentary.

Country risk ratings

Investors are now able to buy P2P loans from countries from around the globe. Our new country risk ratings page provides you with data and analysis on how risky it is to invest in each country. What’s riskier, Latvia or Lithuania? Moldova or Mozambique? Our country risk ratings page can help you assess this.